The Club organises events in London on a regular basis. Those can be afterwork drinks for members and friends, 'Fireside Chats' with leading change makers in an informal setting like a pub, or 'Club Alpbach in Residence' events which are co-hosted by the Austrian Embassy and take place at the Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London.
What our speakers have in common is their experience of turning radically new ideas into reality. We ask them to share what they've learnt, in a practical way. These are not lectures: we aim for a candid exchange, in a relaxed atmosphere.
All our events take place in central London and are open to everyone with an interest in the Club. They are advertised on this website and by email. By signing up to our email list, you will receive first notice of our events with limited places, notably our 'Club Alpbach in Residence' events with the Austrian Embassy in London.
If you want to co-host an event together with Club Alpbach London or have speaker suggestions, please get in touch with our event team. If you want to have regular updates on our events, contact us and become a member: [email protected]
We're looking forward to meeting you!
What our speakers have in common is their experience of turning radically new ideas into reality. We ask them to share what they've learnt, in a practical way. These are not lectures: we aim for a candid exchange, in a relaxed atmosphere.
All our events take place in central London and are open to everyone with an interest in the Club. They are advertised on this website and by email. By signing up to our email list, you will receive first notice of our events with limited places, notably our 'Club Alpbach in Residence' events with the Austrian Embassy in London.
If you want to co-host an event together with Club Alpbach London or have speaker suggestions, please get in touch with our event team. If you want to have regular updates on our events, contact us and become a member: [email protected]
We're looking forward to meeting you!
Nothing planned for the moment, but watch this space!
- Fireside Chat with Howard Williamson, Professor of European Youth Policy, November 2019
- Club Alpbach in Residence on ‘The Internet, Radicalisation and the Future of Liberal Democracy' with Julia Ebner and Jonathan Liebenau at the Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London - 26 February 2020
- CAL Scholarship Info Social
The Club Alpbach London scholarship programme for the #europeanforumalpbach is now OFFICIALLY OPEN! Students from over 90 countries and thought leaders from academia, business, politics, and culture will challenge and enlighten you at this Festival Of Ideas. March 2019
- WHAT UNITES US? European Identity and the Arts. Club Alpbach London and the Austrian Cultural Forum London hosted the first Arts in Residence event at the Austrian Embassy, discussing the role of the arts and culture in the creation of a shared European identity. Panellists included curator Alina Kolar, Executive Director of Visiting Arts Yvette Vaughan Jones and founder of the European Literature Network Rosie Goldsmith, as well as the artists Daria Blum and Steven J Fowler. March 2018
- Fireside Chat with Myles Wickstead, Chief Executive of Wilton Park, an executive agency of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office focused on the issues of international security, prosperity and justice. Myles discussed the progress and outlook on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with us. February 2018
- Club Alpbach in Residence on 'Europe in the Global Economy: Conflict or Cooperation?'
with Ian Stewart, chief economist at Deloitte UK, Frances Coppola, economic writer and commentator and Iain Begg, Co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum and Professorial Research Fellow at the LSE European Institute. November 2017 - Fireside Chat with Howard Williamson (Professor of European Youth Policy at University of South Wales). August 2017, Alpbach
- Club Alpbach in Residence on ‘Lighting up the Brain’ with Gero Miesenböck, Waynflete Professor of Physiology and founding Director of the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at the University of Oxford), Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London - 20 June 2017, Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London
- Spring Social, 23 March 2017
- Fireside Chat with Professor Paul Ekins on ‘Can our economy grow forever?’ - 7 March 2017, London
- Winter Social with our community, The Ship, - 2 February 2017, London
- Club Alpbach in Residence on ‘Climate Change: has the Paris Agreement saved the planet?’ with Jane Burston, Head of Environment and Climate at the UK National Physical Laboratory - 29 November 2016, Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London
- Annual General Meeting incl. launch of Annual Report 2015/16 - 30 October 2016, Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London
- Autumn Drinks, The Old Bank Of England - October 2016, London
- Breakfast conversation with Paul Mason, UK journalist and author of Postcapitalism - September 2016, Alpbach
- Open Space event on ‘How can we move Europe further?’ with participants choosing conversation topics. Participants included over 60 students, Yanis Varoufakis (former Greek Finance Minister), Paul Mason (UK journalist, author of Postcapitalism), Matthias Strolz (Austria’s NEOS party leader) and Reinhard Göweil (chief editor of Die Wiener Zeitung) - September 2016, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Buenrostro-Massieu, Mexico’s Ambassador to Austria - August 2016, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Ewan Lawson, Senior Research Fellow for Military Influence at the Royal United Services Institute - August 2016, Alpbach
- Club Alpbach in Residence: ‘Is the digital era killing or curing society?’ - A discussion with Julie Dodd (The New Reality) and Jon Alexander (New Citizenship Project) at the Austrian Embassy - June 8th 2016, London
- CAL Spring Social at The Ship Fitzrovia - 2 March 2016, London
- 'Club Alpbach in Residence' on the Refugee Crisis: The End Game of a common European Policy? A panel discussion with Dr. Michael Spindelegger (ICMPD), Dr. Sheila Maas (ICF International) and Prof. Christian Dustmann (CReAM) - 16 March 2016, Austrian Ambassador's Residence in London
- X-mas Drinks at the Southbank Christmas market - December 2015, London
- 'Club Alpbach in Residence' with innovation specialist Dr. Jakob Edler, Director of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, on 'Demand, Innovation & Policy. A Tricky Relationship.' - November 2015, Austrian Ambassadors's Residence in London
- Fireside Chat with Ulrike Guerot, German political thinker and Founder and Director of the European Democracy Lab (EDL), on ‘The Future of Europe in the 21st Century’, hosted by Club Alpbach London – 1 September 2015, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and Special Adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, on ‘The role of self-education in corrupted societies and developing democracies’ hosted by Club Alpbach London and Lviv Initiative Group Alpbach - 29 August 2015, Alpbach
- Club Alpbach London sunrise hike with Thomas Mayr-Harting, EU Ambassador to the United Nations, and Jeffrey DeLaurentis, US Ambassador to Cuba - 24 August 2015, Alpbach
- Meet up of all EFA participants from or based in the UK at the European Forum Alpbach to welcome them as members of the Club Alpbach London - 23 August 2015 , Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Phillip Blond, the Director of ResPublica on ‚Politics beyond Left and Right’ – 9 July 2015 – The Old Bank of England
- 'Club Alpbach in Residence' with the entrepreneur and venture capitalist Dr. Herman Hauser - 26 May 2015, Austrian Ambassadors's Residence in London
- Fireside Chat with Jon Alexander, Director of the New Citizenship Project that uses cultural innovations to shift the dominant story of the individual in society from the Consumer to the Citizen, on ‘Why we need to reclaim the Citizen in us’ - 18 March 2015, The Ship Fitzrovia
- Thirsty Thursday, an informal gathering to get to know each other better and to have a good time – 12 February 2015, The Old Bank of England
- Fireside Chat with Franz Fischler, President of the European Forum Alpbach and former European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries on ‘The Juncker effect: An insider's perspective on the new European Commission’ - 21 January 2015, George IV
- Fireside Chat with Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, Editor-in-Chief of the Austrian daily newspaper “Der Standard” – 27 August 2014, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Ambassador Pirkka Tapiola, Head of the EU’s Delegation to the Republic of Moldova – 19 August 2014, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Marc Pacheco, State Senator for the state of Massachusetts – 28 August 2013, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Jeffrey Sachs, economist and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University – 27 August 2013, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Robert Wade, Professor for Political Economy and Development at LSE – 26 August 2013, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, Director of the Liechtenstein Institute and Professor at Princeton University – 21 August 2013, Alpbach
- Fireside Chat with Jürgen Kröger, Director of the European Commissions Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs - 19 August 2013, Alpbach
- Inauguration Ceremony for new scholarship holders, 13 July 2013, Austrian Ambassador’s Residence in London